Saturday, September 17, 2016


        The Republic Act 10844 which shall be known as “Department of Information And Communications Technology Act of 2015” was a breakthrough in our legislature. Our Government recognized the vital role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Nation Building. Formerly, the Department of Transportation and Communication or commonly known as DOTC caters to the functions of the newly created DICT. However, with the advent of modern technology and fast pace of progress in terms of ICT our government made a strategic decision to create a separate department to cater to this. Recognizing that need for a separate and focused department for ICT will address our country’s weaknesses and exploit our strengths in this particular field.
            Asian Countries are well known for their advanced ICT and ICT’s role in their countries development. In terms of labour force and experts in ICT, our country cannot be discounted. We have experts and growing numbers of professionals in this field. However for the previous years, this expertise was unnoticed and underutilized. Majority of our ICT graduates end up to be Call Centre Agents while others worked abroad in well known ICT companies. With the creation of DICT, our country will be able to focus in this particular field. This new department will be the answer to one of our country’s underutilized field of expertise.
            Knowing the purpose of DICT’s creation as a separate department will give us a better grasp on how could this Department be of help in our present and future endeavours.  As a private individual let me enumerate and express my understanding on the purposes/objectives of this newly created department as stated in the Republic Act No. 10844: The first purpose is, “To recognize the vital role of information and communication in nation-building”.  Our government is on the right track in creating this department in order for a more focused approach in improving our countries economy and well being. We all know that our present generation is being dubbed as the “Computer Age”. Hence, in order for our country to cope up and further develop, our government systems should be in unison with the demands of this “Computer Age”.  As mentioned earlier, most of our neighbor countries are skyrocketing in terms of development and progress because of ICT while in the Philippines we have these underutilized experts and labor force in ICT.  The creation of this department will surely help our country to progress through the field of ICT.  The second purpose is, “To ensure the provision of strategic, reliable, cost-efficient and. citizen-centric information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure, systems and resources as instruments of good governance and global competitiveness”. Using ICT in good governance are the words in this purpose that attracts me most. We all experienced the “slow” or “red tape” processes in our government transactions. It is sad but it’s true, an average government transaction will take you more than three days. We are losing money and resources because of these primitive systems of transactions in our government departments. While some of our government agencies exert efforts to hasten transactions through ICT, the absence of law regarding ICT limits the endeavors of our government agencies to improve their systems. With the creation of DICT, this will be one of the key factors to make our government services and systems efficient and timely. The losses, individually or in our government as a whole because of cumbersome government systems will be lessened too.
            Thirdly, “To ensure universal access to quality, affordable, reliable and secure Id’ services”. We should accept it that our country in general does not offer free Internet Services even inside premises of Government Facilities. Sadder to note that majority of Filipinos don’t have access to internet. While other Filipinos are enjoying the “Pokémon Fever”, most of our country men have not experienced the presence of Internet. The worst case is some of Filipinos don’t even know what internet is. With the above objective, we are hopeful that every Filipino will have access to quality, affordable reliable and secured internet services. For the greater good, our fellow countrymen who were not fortunate to learn this technology will have an opportunity to learn and be educated in the field of ICT.
            The fourth is, “To promote the development and widespread use of emerging ICT and foster and accelerate the convergence of ICT and ICT-enabled facilities”. Formerly, our ICT experts flock into Call Centers to work as call center agents. With this objective, our ICT experts will have facilities to exhibit their expertise. This will put our ICT experts’ talent on display rather than being underutilized in call centers or being exploited by foreign ICT companies if they are employed abroad. The presence of these ICT-enabled facilities will truly enable our ICT experts and accelerate progress of our ICT industry as well our nation’s economy. Fifth objective is; “To ensure the availability and accessibility of ICT services in areas not adequately served by the private sector”. If our government can make ICT services or Internet Services available to everyone especially in the rural areas then this endeavor will surely propel our country to be word class. If this will materialize, this will give way for local people to engage in e-commerce. Market will be easier for our locals since they will be able show their products without the heavy labor of bringing it to the cities. This will also avoid “Middle Men Sharks” who usually prey on local producers by buying local products with low prices and reselling it to the market with high prices. As a son of a farmer, I know the hardships of bringing our products to the market and looking for buyers. With this objective of DICT, greater opportunities for the less provided or the poor people will be given and progress for all will be given greater chances.
            The sixth objective is, “To foster an ICT sector policy environment that will promote a broad market-led development of the ICT and ICT-enabled services (1CT-ES) sectors, a level playing field, partnership between the public and private sectors, strategic alliance with foreign investors and balanced investments between high-growth and economically-depressed areas”. This objective might be broad but to make it simpler, for me it is related to the fifth objective wherein Marketing opportunities for all specially the less privileged and it  will be available through DICT. Local products can reach international market through this objective. The seventh is, “To promote and assist the development of local ICT content, applications and services which may include support for ICT-based start-up enterprises through strategic partnerships”. As mentioned in the earlier part, talents, skills and services of our fellow Filipinos in the field of ICT will be given chances to grow. This objective will help ICT based enterprises to start by creating opportunities through partnerships. I assume that DICT will create windows for these partnerships for our ICT practitioners and enterprises to engage with.  
            The eighth objective is, “To promote the use of ICT for the enhancement of key public services, such as education, public health and safety, revenue generation, and socio-civic purposes”. Gone are the days where we rely on the traditional ways of transacting government services. Usually it will take us three days or more for a simple government document and/or services. This objective will make government transactions and services timelier and more efficient. The ninth is, “To encourage the use of ICT for the development and promotion of the country’s arts and culture, tourism and national identity”. Our country is full of talented artists who are waiting to be discovered. However, not all artists are given the chance to show their talent because of limited avenue and opportunity to showcase their talents. Our fellow Filipinos needs to travel to major cities and find marketing or advertising experts in order for them to be known. If they are lucky, then they will be given a break, if not, some will end up in as bartenders, GROs and the most gruesome is they will fall as prostitutes. With this objective of DICT, our talented artists to include their products will be given a chance to be shown worldwide through ICT. In terms of tourism, places all over the Philippines will be promoted and the whole world can see the Philippines through ICT.
            The tenth is, “To promote digital literacy, ICT expertise, and knowledge-building among citizens to enable them to participate and compete in an evolving ICT age”. We all agree that education is one of the best solutions to poverty. As we enter the ICT age, nobody should be left behind. Every Filipino should be given the chance to be educated and knowledgeable in ICT. Our digital literacy should be as high as our literacy rate or even better. This purpose of DICT will further enhance our ability to engage internationally and be world class in all terms not only in ICT. Eleventh purpose is, “To empower, through the use of ICT, the disadvantaged segments of the population, including the elderly, persons with disabilities and indigenous and minority groups”. ICT is for all. It is worth noting that in this purpose of DICT that our government was able to give emphasis in the importance of ICT for our elderly, persons with disability and our indigenous people. In this context, it means that this Act provide opportunities for the less privileged too. While providing opportunities and opening gateways to Filipinos in the field of ICT, the twelfth purpose of ICT ensures that every Filipino’s right to Privacy and confidentiality are protected. This is stated in the twelfth purpose which is, “To ensure the rights of individuals to privacy and confidentiality of their personal information”. ICT will provide easier access for trade and industry as well as in other fields of specialties but this does not mean that there will be no control. In my own understanding, this is one of the checks and balances provided in this Act.  We can freely enjoy the privileges of ICT but not to the expense of others privacy.
            As one of the defenders of this land and our sovereignty, I am aware that the war of the future will be fought in the Cyberspace. Hence, the creation of DICT is very timely. As stated in the thirteenth purpose which is “To ensure the security of critical ICT infrastructures including information assets of the government, individuals and businesses”, there is a need to protect assets of the Government to include individuals and businesses. With the creation of DICT we will be able to focus in the defense of our Sovereignty in the field of ICT. It should be known to all that through ICT, every nation is vulnerable to Cyber Attacks. These Cyber attacks can cripple a government and its economy at one instant, if it will not be checked and left undefended. Don’t forget the “Bangladesh Case”, where in through ICT, government money was stolen by ICT scalawags. This case will continue to happen without the creation of DICT. The last purpose is if I’m not mistaken is focused in   regulating of government and non-government corporations that dominate the industry of communication. We know for a fact that at present, there are two major Tele-communications companies controlling the market of communication. With the previous set up of the government, formerly DOTC takes charge on the transportation and Communication where in sometimes the problems being aired against the telecommunication companies are overwhelmed by greater problems in sector of Transportation. With the creation of DICT, a sole department will handle these ICT problems to include tele-communications. This is stated in the last purpose of DICT which is, “To provide oversight over agencies governing and regulating the ICT sector and ensure consumer protection and welfare, data privacy and security, foster competition and the growth of the ICT sector”.
            In closing, giving chance for our government to provide us with better services and opportunities in the field of ICT is worth supporting. We should throw away the negativity in our midst because this is like a cumbersome baggage that our beloved country carries in its rise for economic development. Gone are the days where most Filipinos think that additional agencies in the government will just form another avenue of corruption. This notion will keep us backwards if we will not accept changes positively. Besides, in this age of where almost everything is ICT based, it is very timely that the Department of Information and Communication Technology was enacted. The objectives of this department were very clear and purposive. All the purposes have one thing in common, ICT for the progress and development of all Filipinos and our Nation as a whole.

    - Republic Act 10844 - Freedom of Information Bill
    -  - Act creating the Department of                   Information and Communications Technology  

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