Thursday, November 24, 2016

10 Things I Like at BSU

“10 Things I Like at BSU”

1.         The Igorot inspired welcome facade – You can feel the warm welcome under cool weather with the Igorot inspired welcome facade located at the main gate of BSU. It is a great pride for me as an Igorot because I can see that BSU never forgets its grassroots. To everyone who has not been to BSU, for sure they will be inspired by the facade.

2.         The Athletic Oval - I love sports.  Every time I pass by the BSU athletic oval, it reminds me of my High School and College days. I have been an exceptional athlete of BSU during those days. Moreover, this old school oval is great for playing field event sports. Everyone is welcome to BSU athletic oval.

3.         The palm trees park - Most of the time you always expect pine trees in the Highlands. It is very unusual to see big palm trees in the land dominated by temperate growing trees. This is the reason why it always amazes me every time I pass by the Palm trees park situated in front of BSU administration building.

4.         BSU lover’s Park – By the name of the park alone it means love for everyone. This place in BSU is truly a consoling place for friends and lovers. For some who are young at heart, it is a good place to study love. For some who have their hearts tied to someone, it is a good place to renew their vow.

5.        Peaceful BSU road - With the chaos brought about by heavy traffic form Baguio City to La Trinidad, it is very rewarding to walk in the peaceful scenic access road inside BSU. It feels like you are in a different country because of the tall Agoho trees and the cool breeze it brings.

6.         The Library – I like the ambiance of BSU Library. I have been to some public libraries but BSU library is above those I’ve been. The weather adds up to the advantage of BSU library. It is cool in and out of the library. To me, this is the best environment and place to read and relax my mind.

7.         The closed gym – Not all schools offer good indoor facilities for Physical Fitness. BSU is one of the schools that have a good indoor fitness facility with their closed gym. Every student of BSU is free to use the gym. It is very spacious too. Take time to pass by BSU closed gym.

8.         The open gym – If you love basketball and volleyball, the place for you is BSU open gym. It is a haven for basketball and volleyball enthusiasts who don’t want to be exposed to the sun. The name “Open Gym” might be deceiving but mind you it’s covered and lighted. You can play all day but you have to request if you want to have it at night. It’s free of charge during day time but you have to pay if you need it at night.

9.         BSU food products – Strawberry products, ube jam, tarts, sweet tarts, cheese cakes and BSU breads, they are all exceptionally good. For those who haven’t been to BSU marketing center, you need to be there and taste those food products for yourself. You haven’t been to BSU if you have not tasted these products.

10.       Good acquaintances – BSU is home to everyone. This school existed since 1916 and it continues to flourish in order to educate all who wants to be with this school. This is the reason why everyone who goes to BSU gains more friends and acquaintances. BSU welcomes everyone and you are welcome too.

Monday, November 21, 2016

"10 Things I Like at BSU OU"

“10 Things I like at BSU OU”

1.         The Environment - I love nature. The Location of BSU OU, always remind me of my advocacy to protect the environment. To the east is Mt Yangbew, its west is La Trinidad Municipal Hall with the green Tabanda Park. To the North is the main thoroughfare of BSU with numerous trees and bushes. On its South is the Kiddie Park for the BSU Nursery School. All of these sceneries make me young at heart always.

2.         Accessibility - BSU OU is accessible to all public transport vehicles. If you’re coming from Baguip City, it is just 5 kilometres from Baguio City Hall. You can ride jeepneys from Baguio City with just 10 pesos. It will take you an average of 20 minutes travel during regular traffic. From Baguio City, you can stop exactly in front of La Trinidad Municipal hall and the BSU OU is just 20 steps away.

3.         Proximity – The location of BSU OU is in my hometown, La Trinidad, Benguet. It is a pride for me to be a product of BSU OU since I’m a native of this place. It is just a kilometer away from where I live.

4.         Near fast food shops - McDonalds is just 50 meters from the BSU OU. It is a very comfortable location to sip affordable coffee during coffee breaks. If you are running short on budget, you can also drop by snack stores just 20 meters from BSU OU. They have the savoury spaghetti, sweet macaroni salad and local snack delicacies.  


5.          Near parks – For those who want to be with nature while reading, BSU OU is the place for you. It is surrounded by numerous parks. You have the Tabanda Park in front of the Municipal Hall or you can go further north 300 meters and you can enjoy the solemnity of the Park near the BSU Administration Building. These parks offer free music for the chirps of birds and sound of winds blowing among the tree branches.

6.         Approachable and Honest Staff- One of the things I like most with BSU OU are the approachable staff and personnel. They are easy to deal with. It is quite very easy for me to talk to them.  I had an experience where in I accidentally dropped my wallet in inside BSU OU office. I was worried when I noticed that I have lost my wallet. All my important IDs and other important cards were there. Fortunately I received a call from BSU OU staff. They gave me the good news that they have found my wallet inside the office. That was one among the many good experiences that I had in BSU OU.
7.         The internet access and in-house references – With today’s computer age, availability of Internet is very vital. In BSU OU we have access to Internet inside their classroom premises and readily available references as well. This gives us the opportunity to be updated in terms of topics inside the classroom as well us current events.

8.         Approachable Instructors – I’m with the Armed Forces and I’m taking this educational advancement using my vacant time. It is a very gracious opportunity that I have Instructors who readily accepted my current status. Although I always try to give my best and beat the timeline for output submissions, my instructors understands my limitations because of my current job. They understand my limitations because of some security reasons.

9.         Classmates – I like meeting other people. It is a good opportunity for me to meet people from different sectors of the society. This gives me wider perspective in dealing with my present job. Most importantly, I can widen my network with good people.

10.       Simple people – Going around BSU OU gives me opportunity to mingle with simple people of La Trinidad specially those going in and out of Balili, the barangay that covers BSU.  I like the people’s styles. They are very simple and easy to deal with. These things give me a sense of comfort and security while around BSU OU.